Monday, July 20, 2015

Pleasant Valley Conservancy bird surveys 2015

We were favored again at Pleasant Valley Conservancy in 2015 with the expert bird surveys by Roma Lenehan. She did her first bird survey at PVC in 2008 and has returned frequently. This year she led the first survey with the University League Bird Group on May 29, 2015, and another on June 9 with Susan Slapnick.

"In 2015 several species were found that had not been observed in the prior years:  Wood Duck (female heard), Rock Pigeon (flyover), Chimney Swift (flyover), Redstart (1 heard), and House Finch.  Eastern Meadowlark and Wood Thrush were especially obvious this year.  In addition, rare savanna specialists Orchard Oriole and Red-headed Woodpecker remain in good numbers.  Indigo Buntings (21) and Baltimore Orioles (14) also appear in good numbers.  In contrast, Kestrel, Pileated Woodpecker, and Sedge Wren (low numbers regionally) were not found on either visit."

A complete summary of the birds seen can be found on the PVC web site at this link.

Pleasant Valley Conservancy offers outstanding habitat for a variety of cavity-nesting birds. Some of the best areas to see red-headed woodpeckers and orchard orioles are along the service road that traverses the ridge-top savanna, where bur, red, and Hill's oaks are especially prominent. In addition, Kathie maintains an extensive bluebird nesting box trail.

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