Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tall boneset in full bloom

Some plant species seem to be doing better in this drought year. Among these is tall boneset (Eupatorium altissimum), which is now especially common in our savannas and prairies. Although not rare (it has a C value of only 4), it is found in Wisconsin only in the southern part of the state. Also, it is a calciphile, so in the Driftless Area it is found primarily in soil formed over dolomite. (Not surprisingly, the patch shown in the photo to the left was near an errant patch of buckthorn, another calciphile.) In some parts of its range, this species is called Joe Pye weed. However, in our area, the name Joe Pye refers to a wetland species, so there should be no confusion.

Tall boneset is a favorite plant of lots of insect pollinators

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