Friday, April 27, 2012

Wood betony time

Last year I posted a blog on May 18 entitled "Wood betony time." This year, wood betony (Pedicularis canadensis) has been in flower for the past two weeks, more than a month earlier than last year!

Wood betony on the north (unburned) unit at Rettenmund Prairie.

Black Earth Rettenmund Prairie now has especially large populations. The whole North Unit (which was not burned) is full of wood betony. We also have some nice populations at Pleasant Valley Conservancy, and it is also prolific in other prairie remnants and planted prairies in southwestern Wisconsin. I'm not claiming this advance growth is due to global warming, but it makes one wonder.
Wood betony in Toby's Prairie, Pleasant Valley Conservancy

1 comment:

  1. Here's a nice one form PVC:
