Sunday, July 4, 2010

Prairie at its peak color

Black Earth Rettenmund Prairie is at one of its peak color phases now. The butterfly milkweed, lead plant, coreopsis, and purple and white prairie clovers are now in full bloom.

The butterfly milkweed is especially attractive. Orange is one of my favorite colors, and the flowers of very few native plants are that color. But Asclepias tuberosus is an exception. The South unit, especially, has many plants in full bloom. This is especially gratifying because when Kathie and I took over the management of this prairie, the South unit was primarily honeysuckle and other shrubs. What a fine turnaround!

Lead plant (Amorpha canescens) has always been prolific at Rettenmund Prairie, and this year is no exception.
Finally, both of the prairie clovers (purple and white) are in full bloom. Although not as showy as the above, their delicate flowers are quite appealing.

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