Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Big snow: out of work for a while!

I'm not sure whether it is global warming or some wild gyration of the earth (butterfly effect, perhaps?), but it does seem that our winters are getting snowier. We've had record snows the past two years, and now we have a third record year. I understand that last night/today's snow was a record for Madison. It was certainly heavy to shovel!

The photo above was taken from my living room window. I'm not inclined to go to Pleasant Valley Conservancy until things "settle down" a bit. Hopefully, this heavy snow will not prune too many big trees, although we lost several branches here at home.

A snow like this brings a certain finality to our buckthorn control work, since you can't basal bark with that much snow around the stems. In fact, unless we get a real warm spell, we may be out of business for quite a while. Too bad, because winter is a good time of year to deal with buckthorn.

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