Monday, October 12, 2009

Seed collecting Sunday

For the past few years we have been having an all-day seed collecting event in mid October. In the mornings we collect at Pleasant Valley Conservancy, have lunch at our cabin/shack, then go the few miles to Black Earth Rettenmund Prairie for the afternoon. This year, the weather cooperated and we had a very successful day (20 people participated, at either one or both sites).

Species we collected at Pleasant Valley included: round-headed bush clover, Indian grass (lots), Missouri goldenrod, mountain mint, smooth aster, and pale Indian plantain.

At Black Earth we collected (among others): purple prairie clover, rattlesnake master, naked sunflower, false and true solomon's seal, false boneset (Kuhnia), prairie thimbleweed, rose hips, Coreopsis, and stiff goldenrod.

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