Friday, October 23, 2009

Our oak tree database

In the winter of 2008-2009 we did an extensive survey of all of the trees greater than 10" diameter in the savanna/prairie areas. Most of the survey was done by Heisley Lewison during the heavy snow period when we could not work on brush control. Each tree was marked with a permanent numbered marker, its species and diameter recorded, and its position marked with a Garmin GPS. The data were uploaded to my computer and converted to an ESRI shape file.

I have been using this database all year for a wide variety of purposes. Most of the details will be reported later, once we finish marking the trees on the north slope.

At present, most of the marked trees are either on the south slope or ridge top. A total of 2223 trees have been marked and now exist in an Excel database.

Here is the rundown on species numbers:

Bur oak: 457
Black oak: 577
White oak: 451
Shagbark Hickory: 193
Hackberry: 55

There are, of course, other species present in much smaller amounts. Most of the other species have been removed, although there are a few left of walnut, butternut, yellowbud hickory, cherry, red maple, and basswood. And lots more trees from the above list that are under 10" in diameter.

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