Friday, May 23, 2008

Inventory of our greenhouse-raised plants

I have mentioned in previous posts that we have been raising prairie and savanna plants in the greenhouse. We collected the seeds ourselves, and did some germination tests to assess their quality. Some of them were quite good, others only fair, and a few species did not germinate at all.

We started them in the greenhouse in trays, moved them to pots, and now have them hardening in cold frames. In preparation for transplanting next week, we did an inventory.

We have over 300 separate plants, from 26 different species. It will take three of us several days to plant all these. And then we have to keep them watered all summer.

Since the species we are growing are difficult to get started from seed, it is worth it to go to all this work. Hopefully we will get favorable summer weather, and good survival rates.

We had about 70% survival over the winter of those we transplanted in 2006. This seems like reasonable success rate.

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